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Globe Mallow Bee (Complex Diadasia diminuta)
Invertebrates Around Las Vegas, Wildlife Around Las Vegas
Mining Bees (Andrenidae)

Globe Mallow Bees (Complex Diadasia diminuta) are solitary bees that nest in aggregation. Females dig nest holes in the ground. Each bee has its own nest hole, but many females nest in the same area. Males don't use burrows.

Females collect pollen to provision their offspring, but males do not. As a result, males and females can be identified by the presence (female) or near-absence (male) of hairs on the hind legs (big pollen baskets; scopal hairs) that are used to carry pollen.

Taxonomy: Insecta, Hymenoptera, Aculeata, Apoidea, Apine Bees Subfamily Apinae, Chimney Bees Tribe Emphorini.

Mining Bees (Andrenidae)
Male Globe Mallow Bee on a Globe Mallow flower
Mining Bees (Andrenidae)
Male Globe Mallow Bee on a Globe Mallow flower
Mining Bees (Andrenidae)
Globe Mallow Bee nest holes
Mining Bees (Andrenidae)
Globe Mallow Bee nest holes
Mining Bees (Andrenidae)
Globe Mallow Bee emerging from her nest hole
Mining Bees (Andrenidae)
Globe Mallow Bee emerging from her nest hole
Mining Bees (Andrenidae)
Globe Mallow Bee entering her nest hole with lots of pollen
Mining Bees (Andrenidae)
Globe Mallow Bee entering her nest hole with lots of pollen
Mining Bees (Andrenidae)
Female Globe Mallow Bee going into her burrow
Mining Bees (Andrenidae)
Female Globe Mallow Bee (note the large pollen baskets)
Mining Bees (Andrenidae) Mining Bees (Andrenidae)
Mining Bees (Andrenidae) Mining Bees (Andrenidae)
Mining Bees (Andrenidae) Mining Bees (Andrenidae)
Mining Bees (Andrenidae) Mining Bees (Andrenidae)
Mining Bees (Andrenidae) Mining Bees (Andrenidae)
Mining Bees (Andrenidae) Mining Bees (Andrenidae)
Mining Bees (Andrenidae) Mining Bees (Andrenidae)
Mining Bees (Andrenidae) Mining Bees (Andrenidae)

Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
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