Little Bear Scarab Beetle (Paracotalpa ursina)
(Family Scarabaeidae, Subfamily Rutelinae)
Invertebrates Around Las Vegas, Wildlife Around Las Vegas
Little Bear Scarab Beetle (Paracotalpa ursina)
Little Bear Scarab Beetle

General: Little Bear Scarab Beetles (Paracotalpa ursina) are Scarab beetles recognized by their elongate to oval, shiny body and unequal, independently movable tarsal claws (most obvious on the hind legs). Little Bears are recognized by their black head and thorax, and red elytra (wing-covers) and setae (hair) covered bodies.

Adults feed on leaves and flowers of various herbs, shrubs, and trees. Larvae (grubs) seem to feed on the roots of shrubs, but they can feed on other plants too.

These beetles were found in January flying low among shrubs in an area of Mojave Desert Scrub with diverse plant species. They were plentiful enough that an American Kestrel was feeding on them.

Little Bear Scarab Beetle (Paracotalpa ursina) Little Bear Scarab Beetle (Paracotalpa ursina)
Little Bear Scarab Beetle (Paracotalpa ursina) Little Bear Scarab Beetle (Paracotalpa ursina)
Little Bear Scarab Beetle (Paracotalpa ursina) Little Bear Scarab Beetle (Paracotalpa ursina)
Little Bear Scarab Beetle (Paracotalpa ursina) Little Bear Scarab Beetle (Paracotalpa ursina)

Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
copyright; Last updated 230911

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