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Flattened Blister Beetle (Phodaga alticeps)
Invertebrates Around Las Vegas, Wildlife Around Las Vegas
Flattened Blister Beetle (Phodaga alticeps)
Flattened Blister Beetles preparing to mate

General: Flattened Blister Beetles (Phodaga alticeps) are busy little creatures always running around on the ground and rarely standing still except to eat tasty little plants they find along the way.

Flattened Blister Beetles are recognized by the all-black color and "flattened" elytra (wing covers) that look as if someone grabbed them sideways and smashed them flat.

Family: Meloidae

Flattened Blister Beetle (Phodaga alticeps) Flattened Blister Beetle (Phodaga alticeps)
Flattened Blister Beetles (Phodaga alticeps) Flattened Blister Beetles (Phodaga alticeps)
Flattened Blister Beetles (Phodaga alticeps) Flattened Blister Beetles (Phodaga alticeps)
Flattened Blister Beetle (Phodaga alticeps) Flattened Blister Beetle (Phodaga alticeps)

Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
copyright; Last updated 240202

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