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Whirligig Beetle (Family Gyrinidae)
Invertebrates Around Las Vegas, Wildlife Around Las Vegas
Whirligig Beetle (Family Gyrinidae)

General: Whirligig Beetles (Family Gyrinidae) are water beetles that live on the surface of the water, but they can dive. The name comes from their behavior of spinning rapidly in circles (whirling), especially when alarmed. It is thought that this behavior helps confuse predators. Whirligig beetles are social, so they usually are found in groups clustered on the surface of the water.

Whirligig Beetle (Family Gyrinidae) Whirligig Beetle (Family Gyrinidae)
Whirligig Beetle (Family Gyrinidae) Whirligig Beetle (Family Gyrinidae)
Whirligig Beetle (Family Gyrinidae) Whirligig Beetle (Family Gyrinidae)
Whirligig Beetle (Family Gyrinidae) Whirligig Beetle (Family Gyrinidae)

Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
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