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Mormon Tea (Ephedra spp.)
(aka Joint-fir and Jointfir)
Shrubs Around Las Vegas, Vegetation Around Las Vegas
Ephedra nevadensis (Nevada jointfir)
Nevada jointfir

General: Mormon Tea is the name of a specific species (Ephedra viridis) and the collective name for a group of shrubs (Ephedra spp.) generally recognized by the stiff, apparently leafless, joined, and usually greenish stems. It seems that under the current understanding of species definitions, six species of Ephedra occur around Las Vegas (five in Nevada and one in California).

Ephedra is an ancient lineage more closely related to pine trees (conifers) than to flowering plants, and these plants produce cones rather than flowers. The plants are dioecious, meaning that there are male and female plants, the female cones and seeds are important for identification. Thus, half of the plants (the males) aren't helpful for identification, and the others are only helpful in late winter and spring when the cones are present, all of which complicates accurate identification.

There are two natural groups: species with leaves and bracts mostly in whorls of 2 (2-ranked species), and those with leaves and bracts mostly in whorls of 3 (3-ranked species). Around Las Vegas, there are three species in each group, but identification within each group can be difficult. For some species, geography, elevation, and other details are helpful.

Family: Mormon-tea or Joint-fir Family (Ephedraceae)

Key to the Species of Ephedra Around Las Vegas based on the Flora of North America.

Key #1 Key #2 Key #3 Species Around Las Vegas
Leaves and bracts mostly in whorls of 2. Leaf bases persistent, forming a black, thickened collar; nodes obviously swollen; seeds 2. . Ephedra viridis (Mormon Tea)
. Leaf bases completely deciduous or becoming gray and shredded with age; nodes not or only inconspicuously swollen; seeds 1-2. Leaf bases completely deciduous, brown when shed; seeds 1-2. Bracts of pollen cones yellow to light brown; inner bracts of seed cones herbaceous; seeds (1)-2. Ephedra nevadensis (Nevada Jointfir)
. . Leaf bases persistent and shredding, brown, becoming gray with age; seed 1. Ephedra aspera (Rough Jointfir). Ephedra aspera now includes Ephedra nevadensis var. aspera, Ephedra reedii, Ephedra fasciculata (Arizona Jointfir), Ephedra fasciculata var. clokeyi, Ephedra fasciculata var. fasciculata, and Ephedra clokeyi
Leaves and bracts mostly in whorls of 3. Cones always sessile; seeds scabrous (rough as if covered with scabs). . Ephedra torreyana (Torrey's Jointfir). Ephedra torreyana now includes Ephedra torreyana var. torreyana
. Cones usually with short, scaly peduncles; seeds usually smooth (sometimes scabrous). Leaf bases deciduous; twigs yellow-green; cone bracts as broad as long; seeds nearly globose. Ephedra californica (Californica Jointfir)
. . Leaf bases persistent, forming a black, thickened collar; twigs gray-green; cone bracts longer than broad; seeds ellipsoid. Ephedra funerea (Death Valley Jointfir). Ephedra funerea now includes Ephedra californica var. funerea
Mormon Tea (Ephedra viridis)

Ephedra viridis (Mormon tea).

Two leaves per whorl. Stems bright green, long, and upright (broom-lilke).

Occurs widely around Las Vegas at higher elevations.

Nevada Jointfir (Ephedra nevadensis)

Ephedra nevadensis (Nevada jointfir).

Two leaves per whorl. Short, gray-green stems usually branching at erratic angles. Usually 2 seeds per cone.

Most common Ephedra in Southern Nevada around Las Vegas.

Ephedra aspera (Rough Jointfir)

Ephedra aspera (Rough Jointfir). Includes Ephedra fasciculata (Arizona jointfir).

Two leaves per whorl. Short, gray-green stems usually branching at wide angles. One seed per cone.

Occurs south of Las Vegas.

Torrey's Jointfir (Ephedra torreyana)

Ephedra torreyana (Torrey's jointfir).

Three leaves per whorl. Stems dull, blue-green to gray, come off the main stems at widely diverging angles.

Occurs northeast of Las Vegas.

Ephedra californica (Californica jointfir).

Ephedra californica (Californica jointfir).

Three leaves per whorl. Stems dull, yellow-green to gray-green, come off the stems at widely diverging angles.

Occurs in southeastern California.

Ephedra funerea (Death Valley jointfir)

Ephedra funerea (Death Valley jointfir).

Three leaves per whorl.

Occurs northwest of Las Vegas.

Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate. Names generally follow the USDA database.
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