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Michaux's Sagebrush (Artemisia michauxiana)
Shrubs Around Las Vegas, Vegetation Around Las Vegas
Michaux's Wormwood (Artemisia michauxiana)

General: Michaux's Sagebrush (Artemisia michauxiana) is a high-elevation, fairly low-growing, brushy shrub with green, upright stems and highly dissected leaves. Flowerheads are small and borne along the upper stem.

Michaux's Sagebrush is a fairly common component of high mountain alpine communities in drier areas along ridges and slopes in the Alpine Tundra (Alpine) life zone. Around Las Vegas, look for this species in the Spring Mountains.

Family: Sunflower (Asteraceae).

Other Names: Michaux's wormwood, Michaux sagebrush, lemon sagewort.

Michaux's Wormwood (Artemisia michauxiana)

Plant Form: Upright, brushy shrub.

Height: To about 3 feet.

Stems: Upright, herbaceous, unbranched, green.

Leaves: Highly dissected, sessile.

Flowers: Blooms during summer. Inflorescence: flowerheads along about 5-7 inches of stem, held close to stem. Flowerheads very small; individual flowers tiny.


Michaux's Wormwood (Artemisia michauxiana)

Habitat: High mountain ridges.

Elevation: Above 10,000 feet.

Distribution: Western North America.

Comments: It doesn't look like it, but this is a species of sagebrush.

Michaux's Wormwood (Artemisia michauxiana)
Stem with leaves
Michaux's Wormwood (Artemisia michauxiana)
Highly dissected leaves
Michaux's Wormwood (Artemisia michauxiana)
Flowerheads along about 5-7 inches of stem, held close to stem
Michaux's Wormwood (Artemisia michauxiana)
Flowerheads very small; individual flowers tiny

Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate. Names generally follow the USDA database.
copyright; Last updated 211231

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