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Desert Poppy (Eschscholzia glyptosperma)
Annual Forbs Around Las Vegas, Vegetation Around Las Vegas
Desert Poppy (Eschscholzia glyptosperma)

General: Desert Poppy (Eschscholzia glyptosperma) is a brightly colored spring wildflower with four large, yellow-orange petals per flower and one flower per flower stalk. The flower is a typical 4-petal poppy flower. Flowers attach to the stalk via a cone-like structure (receptacle obconic) without a spreading rim. The leaves are basal and highly dissected (appearing linear).

Desert Poppy is a fairly common component of the spring wildflower display along washes and on bajadas in the Lower Sonoran (Creosote-Bursage Flats) and Upper Sonoran (Mojave Desert Scrub) life zones.

Desert Poppy (Eschscholzia glyptosperma)

Family: Poppy (Papaveraceae).

Other Names: Desert gold-poppy, golden poppy.

Plant Form: Annual forb; erect with basal leaves and upright flowering stalks.

Height: With flower stems, to about 10-inches tall.

Stems: Flower stem green; receptacle obconic; no spreading rim

Leaves: Basal, highly dissected, appearing linear.

Desert Poppy (Eschscholzia glyptosperma)

Flowers: Blooms during the spring and early summer. Inflorescence: one flower per stem. Flowers: four yellow petals to about 1-inch long.

Seeds: Fruit: long, narrow, cylindrical capsule (to 2-1/2 inches). Seeds: Small, round, brown.

Habitat: Dry, well-drained sandy and gravelly soils along washes and bajadas into the lower mountains.

Elevation: From near sea level to about 5,000 feet.

Distribution: California across southern Nevada to southwestern Utah and western Arizona.

Comments: This is a common spring wildflower.

Desert Poppy (Eschscholzia glyptosperma)
Hard to see the small flowers, but the hillside is covered with poppies
Desert Poppy (Eschscholzia glyptosperma)
Desert Poppy
Desert Poppy (Eschscholzia glyptosperma) Desert Poppy (Eschscholzia glyptosperma)
Desert Poppy (Eschscholzia glyptosperma) Desert Poppy (Eschscholzia glyptosperma)
Desert Poppy (Eschscholzia glyptosperma) Desert Poppy (Eschscholzia glyptosperma)
Desert Poppy (Eschscholzia glyptosperma) Desert Poppy (Eschscholzia glyptosperma)
Desert Poppy (Eschscholzia glyptosperma) Desert Poppy (Eschscholzia glyptosperma)
Desert Poppy (Eschscholzia glyptosperma) Desert Poppy (Eschscholzia glyptosperma)
Desert Poppy (Eschscholzia glyptosperma) Desert Poppy (Eschscholzia glyptosperma)
Desert Poppy (Eschscholzia glyptosperma)
Flower bud
Desert Poppy (Eschscholzia glyptosperma)
Flower bud
Desert Poppy (Eschscholzia glyptosperma)
4-petal poppy flower
Desert Poppy (Eschscholzia glyptosperma)
4-petal poppy flower
Desert Poppy (Eschscholzia glyptosperma) Desert Poppy (Eschscholzia glyptosperma)
Desert Poppy (Eschscholzia glyptosperma) Desert Poppy (Eschscholzia glyptosperma)
Desert Poppy (Eschscholzia glyptosperma)
Developing seedpod
Desert Poppy (Eschscholzia glyptosperma)
Two seed pods
Desert Poppy (Eschscholzia glyptosperma)
Seed pod
Desert Poppy (Eschscholzia glyptosperma)
Flower stem green; receptacle obconic; no spreading rim

Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate. Names generally follow the USDA database.
copyright; Last updated 240905

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