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Wingnut Cryptantha (Cryptantha pterocarya)
Annual Forbs Around Las Vegas, Vegetation Around Las Vegas
Wingnut Cryptantha (Cryptantha pterocarya)
Thin upright plant (arrows)

General: Wingnut Cryptantha (Cryptantha pterocarya) is a small, upright annual forb with hairy, linear leaves and tiny white flowers (free part of petal 1–2.5 mm diam). Each fruit holds 4 nutlets. Nutlets papillate, one least one with winged margins. Difficult to identify without ripe nutlets.

Wingnut Cryptantha can be a common component of desert vegetation communities on sandy and gravel soils in the Lower Sonoran (Creosote-Bursage Flats), Upper Sonoran (Mojave Desert Scrub and Pinyon-Juniper Woodland) life zones.

Family: Borage (Boraginaceae).

Other Names: Forget-Me-Not.

Plant Form: Thin, upright stalk with short leaves topped with white flowers and nutlets.

Height: Often about 5 inches, to about 18 inches.

Wingnut Cryptantha (Cryptantha pterocarya)
Upper, flowering portion with fruits

Stems: Usually one, upright, rough hairy.

Leaves: To about 2-inches long, narrow; rough-hairy to bristly. Basal leaves in groups; cauline leaves generally opposite and single.

Flowers: Blooms in the spring. Inflorescence terminal. Flowers tiny, white; bell-shaped with 5 petals.

Seeds: 4 nutlets. Nutlets papillate, one least one with a winged margin.

Habitat: Sandy to rocky desert soils.

Elevation: To about 7,000 feet.

Distribution: Western US.


Wingnut Cryptantha (Cryptantha pterocarya) Wingnut Cryptantha (Cryptantha pterocarya)
Wingnut Cryptantha (Cryptantha pterocarya) Wingnut Cryptantha (Cryptantha pterocarya)
Wingnut Cryptantha (Cryptantha pterocarya)
Leaves hairy
Wingnut Cryptantha (Cryptantha pterocarya)
Cluster of leaves broken from stem
Wingnut Cryptantha (Cryptantha pterocarya)
Flower and developing fruits
Wingnut Cryptantha (Cryptantha pterocarya)
Developing fruits
Wingnut Cryptantha (Cryptantha pterocarya)
Tiny flowers and developing fruits
Wingnut Cryptantha (Cryptantha pterocarya)
Developing fruits, each fruit contains 4 nutlets

Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate. Names generally follow the USDA database.
copyright; Last updated 240904

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