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Golden Evening-Primrose (Chylismia brevipes)
Annual Forbs Around Las Vegas, Vegetation Around Las Vegas
Golden Evening-Primrose (Chylismia brevipes)

General: Golden Evening-Primrose (Chylismia brevipes) is an annual forb with basal leaves and a flowering stalk. Leaves broad and 1-pinnate, but large terminal leaflet may appear to be an entire leaf; lateral leaflets much smaller than terminal leaflet. Leaves spotted. The flowers are 4-petaled and yellow. The stigma hangs out beyond the petals.

Golden Evening-Primrose is a common component of desert vegetation communities in washes and other gravelly and rocky soils. Around Las Vegas, look for this species in washes at Lake Mead and Death Valley.

Family: Evening Primrose (Onagraceae).

Other Names: Yellow Cups. Formerly Camissonia brevipes.

Golden Evening-Primrose (Chylismia brevipes)

Plant Form: Basal leaves with a flower stalk.

Height: To about 2 feet, usually shorter.

Stems: Usually one flowering stalk, sometime many.

Leaves: Generally basal; generally broad and 1-pinnate, but large terminal leaflet may be an entire leaf; lateral leaflets much smaller than terminal leaflet. Leaves spotted.

Flowers: Blooms during early spring. Flowers clustered at the top of the flower stalk; petals 4, all yellow. The stigma hangs out to the edge of the petals.


Golden Evening-Primrose (Chylismia brevipes)

Habitat: Washes and gravel or rocky soils.

Elevation: To about 5,000 feet; usually lower elevations.

Distribution: California, Nevada, and Arizona. Can be abundant in Death Valley and surrounding desert areas.


Golden Evening-Primrose (Chylismia brevipes) Golden Evening-Primrose (Chylismia brevipes)
Golden Evening-Primrose (Chylismia brevipes) Golden Evening-Primrose (Chylismia brevipes)
Golden Evening-Primrose (Chylismia brevipes) Golden Evening-Primrose (Chylismia brevipes)
Golden Evening-Primrose (Chylismia brevipes)
Golden Evening-Primrose
Golden Evening-Primrose (Chylismia brevipes)
Leaves 1-pinnate; terminal leaflet always larger than lateral leaflets
Golden Evening-Primrose (Chylismia brevipes)
Flowers have four petals and are all yellow
Golden Evening-Primrose (Chylismia brevipes)
Flowers have four petals and are all yellow
Golden Evening-Primrose (Chylismia brevipes)
Flowers have four petals and are all yellow
Golden Evening-Primrose (Chylismia brevipes)
Seed pods radiate from flowering stalk

Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate. Names generally follow the USDA database.
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