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Booth's Evening Primrose (Eremothera boothii)
Annual Forbs Around Las Vegas, Vegetation Around Las Vegas
Booth's Evening Primrose (Eremothera boothii)

General: Booth's Evening Primrose (Eremothera boothii) is an annual forb that grows from a leafy basal rosette and produced upright flower stalks and 4-petaled, white flowers. As the plant ages, the stems become stiff and spiky, and they can fold up to resemble a Birdcage Evening Primrose.

Booth's Evening Primrose is a common component of vegetation communities in dry, well-drained sandy and gravelly soils on desert flats and lower bajadas in the Lower Sonoran (Creosote-Bursage Flats) and Upper Sonoran (Mojave Desert Scrub) life zones.

Around Las Vegas, look for Booth's Evening Primrose on lower-elevation desert flats.

Family: Evening Primrose (Onagraceae). Formerly Camissonia boothii.

Booth's Evening Primrose (Eremothera boothii) Booth's Evening Primrose (Eremothera boothii)
Booth's Evening Primrose (Eremothera boothii) Booth's Evening Primrose (Eremothera boothii)
Booth's Evening Primrose (Eremothera boothii) Booth's Evening Primrose (Eremothera boothii)
Booth's Evening Primrose (Eremothera boothii) Booth's Evening Primrose (Eremothera boothii)
Booth's Evening Primrose (Eremothera boothii) Booth's Evening Primrose (Eremothera boothii)
Booth's Evening Primrose (Eremothera boothii) Booth's Evening Primrose (Eremothera boothii)
Booth's Evening Primrose (Eremothera boothii) Booth's Evening Primrose (Eremothera boothii)
Booth's Evening Primrose (Eremothera boothii) Booth's Evening Primrose (Eremothera boothii)
Booth's Evening Primrose (Eremothera boothii) Booth's Evening Primrose (Eremothera boothii)
Booth's Evening Primrose (Eremothera boothii) Booth's Evening Primrose (Eremothera boothii)
Booth's Evening Primrose (Eremothera boothii) Booth's Evening Primrose (Eremothera boothii)
Booth's Evening Primrose (Eremothera boothii) Booth's Evening Primrose (Eremothera boothii)

Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate. Names generally follow the USDA database.
copyright; Last updated 211221

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