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Calico Hills Trail: Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Hiking Around Las Vegas, Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Sandstone Quarry southbound trailhead (view SE)


Hiking from Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1 is a nice short hike in a very scenic area, especially with friends who arrive in separate vehicles. Friends can leave one vehicle at Calico 1, drive to Sandstone Quarry in the second vehicle, and walk back to retrieve the first vehicle. The one-way Scenic Loop Road then forces hikers to drive past Sandstone Quarry where they can retrieve the second vehicle.

The trail runs south from the Sandstone Quarry Trailhead across fairly level terrain until dropping into Calico Canyon and beginning a long gradual descent, past Calico 2, down to Calico 1. There are some uphill sections, but this trail basically is a long, gradual descent. The sandstone crags above the trail are spectacular, and the cultural history along the trail is interesting. The trail runs through part of the 2005 Loop Fire, and hikers can assess the recovery of desert vegetation over the years.

Link to map. Link to BLM Georeference PDF map file.

Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Sandstone Quarry southbound trailhead sign (view E)

Watch Out

Other than the standard warnings about hiking in the desert, ...this is a moderate hike without unusual hazards. However, falls from some places along the trail would result in serious injury or worse.

While hiking, please respect the land and the other people out there, and try to Leave No Trace of your passage. Also, even though this is a short hike, be sure to bring what you need of the 10 Essentials.

Getting to the Trailhead

This hike is located along the Scenic Loop Road in Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, about 45 minutes west of Las Vegas. Drive out to Red Rocks, pay the entrance fee, and drive up the Scenic Loop Road for about 3 miles to the Sandstone Quarry Trailhead. Park here; this is the trailhead.

Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Start of Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1 Trail (view SE)

The Hike

From the trailhead (Table 1, Waypoint 01), the trail runs south, away from the historical Sandstone Quarry area, running parallel to the Sandstone Quarry entrance road. Running at gentle grades, the trail angles away from the road, and at about 150 yards out, crosses a bit of white sandstone slickrock before dropping into Calico Canyon.

At about 0.24 miles out, the trail passes red sandstone outcrops on the left edge of the trail and arrives at a trail junction. Here, the main trail stays right on the hillside, while the use-trail to the left drops steeply into the bottom of the canyon.

At about 0.61 miles out, the trail passes a trail junction to the right, which trail crews have been trying to block off. The main trail stays left (straight) and descends somewhat steeply over red sandstone slickrock. Shortly after passing off the slickrock, the main trail passes the other end of the blocked-off trail and continues across the hillside.

Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Traversing gentle terrain alongside sandstone crags (view SE)

Descending gently towards the bottom of the canyon, the trail passes to the right of large boulders (0.77 miles out) that crashed down from the cliffs above. These boulders have drawn the attention of passing people for a long time. Take a minute and see what they left behind.

The trail continues along the edge of Calico Wash, then climbs somewhat steeply over a low ridgeline that comes down from the west side of the canyon. Atop this low highpoint (Wpt. 02; 0.96 miles out), hikers get the first good views of the Calico 2 Trailhead area.

The trail descends off the highpoint and eventually reaches a trail junction where the Calico 2 Trail branches off to the right (Wpt. 03; 1.09 miles out). For people who need a toilet, the Calico 2 Trailhead is about 150 yards up the hillside to the right. Otherwise, the main trail bends left and descends along the hillside, passing some split-rail fencing intended to keep hikers from clambering straight up the hillside.

Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Approaching white sandstone slickrock (view SE)

Opposite the fence, a use-trail branches left and heads down into the wash. A few yards farther out the main trail, hikers encounter a second fence on the right and a use-trail on the left that drops into the wash.

Shortly, the trail forks (Wpt. 04) where a sign indicates that the Calico Hills Trail stays left. This trail drops into the wash and heads downstream until climbing into the crags to run south parallel to the main trail but closer to the cliffs. This trail, however, stays right at the fork and begins to climb over a low ridge.

Atop the low ridge, hikers get big views down Calico Canyon, and Calico 1 Trailhead can be seen atop the ridge on the right in the distance.

The trail descends off the low rise at gentle grades to the wash, but stays on the hillside just above the wash. In this area, it is apparent that a wildfire burned the vegetation on the hillside and in the wash. This was the 900 acre, 2005 Loop Fire.

Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Crossing white sandstone slickrock (view SE)

The shrub live oak in the wash has recovered nicely since the fire, but few shrubs survived on the hillside. Lots of dead wood in the oak trees and a few Joshua tree carcasses remind us how some species do well after desert fires and others do not.

Continuing along the wash, the trail runs along the wash until beginning to climb onto the next low ridge. At about 1.72 miles out, the trail merges with another trail coming in from the left (Wpt. 05). This is the other end of the Calico Hill Trail that forked off 0.6 miles back.

The merged trails now climb at a moderate grade to the crest of the next low ridge where they arrive at a junction with the Calico 1 Trail (Wpt. 06).

Turning right onto the Calico 1 Trail, hikers (often with a crowd of tourists) climb straight up the crest of the ridge to Calico 1 Trailhead (Wpt. 07).

Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
The trail begins to descend into Calico Canyon
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Passing red sandstone outcrops alone the edge of the trail (view S)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Approaching a trail junction (view SW)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Trail junction, stay right (0.24 miles out; view SW)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Long view down Calico Canyon (view SE)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Trail on hillside below red sandstone cliffs (view SE)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Trail on hillside above red slickrock (view SE)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Crossing more slickrock
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Sandstone cliffs towering above (view E)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Sandstone cliffs towering above (view NE)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Long view of the trail ahead (view SE)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Traversing hillside with Blackbrush and Mojave Yucca
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Approaching a Singleleaf Pinyon Pine (view SE)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Crossing more red sandstone (view SE)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Trail sometimes climbs at moderate grades (view SE)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Approaching a low highpoint (view SE)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
The trail crew discourages people from forking right on use-trail
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
The trail crew encourages people to use the built trail (view SW)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Trail descends over red sandstone slickrock (view SE)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Trail descends over red sandstone slickrock (view SE)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Trail descends over red sandstone slickrock (view SE)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
The trail resumes the moderate descent across the hillside (view SW)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Main trail passes the other end of discouraged use-trail (view SW)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
This area burned in the 2005 Loop Fire (view SE)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
The trail winds through washed out gullies (view SW)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Trail runs across dirt hillside (view SE)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Detour to cultural site (View SE; 0.77 miles out)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Cultural site (view SE)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1 Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Trail continues around boulders (view E)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Cultural site (view NE)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Cultural site (view N)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Trail continues into the very bottom of the canyon (view SE)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Trail approaching a dead pine tree along the wash (view SE)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
The trail begins to climb away from the wash (view S)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
The trail climbs more steeply (view S)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
The trail climbs steeply onto sandstone (view SE)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
The trail climbs more steeply (view S)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Finally, the trail begins to level out (view S)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Approaching the highpoint (view S)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Highpoint; Calico 2 comes into view (view S; 0.98 miles out)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Not really a fork in the trail; stay right on main trail (view S)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Trail crosses a patch of sloping slickrock (view SW)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Descending across the hillside (view S)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Descending across the hillside (view S)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Junction with use-trail that drops into canyon bottom (view S)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Major trail junction is visible ahead (view S)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Approaching Calico 2 trail junction (view SE)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Calico 2 trail junction; stay left (1.09 miles out, view SE)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Calico 2 trail junction; stay left (1.09 miles out, view SE)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
The trail continues down across the hillside (view SE)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Trail passes fencing (view SE)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Approaching another trail junction (view SE)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Trail junction; stay right (view SE)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Another trail junction; stay right (view SE)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Trail junction; staying right (view SE)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Sign implies that official trail forks left (view SE)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Trail climbs away from the wash (view S)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Passing more slickrock (view S)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Trail levels out at another highpoint (view S)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
The trail begins to descend again (view S)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Trail descends across the hillside (view S)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
The trail drops towards the bottom of the canyon (view S)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Trail runs along the wash, which is full of shrub live oak trees
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Trail runs along the wash (view SE)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Gentle terrain along Calico Wash (view S)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
This area burned in the 2005 Loop Fire
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Gentle terrain along Calico Wash (view SE)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Gentle terrain along Calico Wash (view SE)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Gentle terrain along Calico Wash (view SE)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Last of the gentle terrain along Calico Wash (view SE)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Reconnecting with the other end of the "official" Calico Hills Trail
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Trail junction (1.72 miles out; view SE)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
The trail climbs rather steeply towards a ridgeline (view SE)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Approaching the ridgeline (view SE)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Trail junction when crossing the ridgeline (view S)
Calico Hills Trail - Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1
Calico 1 Trail runs up the ridgeline (view W)
Calico 1 Trail
Hiker stopping to watch a hawk soar by (view W)
Calico 1 Trail
Hiker climbing towards Calico 1 Trailhead (view W)
Calico 1 Trail
Hiker arriving back at Calico 1 Trailhead (view W)

Table 1. Hiking Coordinates Based on GPS Data (NAD27; UTM Zone 11S). Download Hiking GPS waypoints (*.gpx) file.

Wpt. Location UTM Easting UTM Northing Elevation (ft) Point-to-Point Distance (mi) Cumulative Distance (mi)
01 Sandstone Quarry South Trailhead 639525 4002803 4,308 0.00 0.00
02 Saddle 640609 4002022 4,060 0.96 0.96
03 Calico 2 Trail at Calico Hills Trail 640620 4001854 3,979 0.13 1.09
04 Trail Junction 640678 4001845 3,968 0.04 1.13
05 Trail Junction 641280 4001206 3,868 0.59 1.72
06 Calico 1 Trail 641328 4001168 3,895 0.04 1.76
07 Calico 1 Trailhead 641259 4001094 3,951 0.07 1.83

Happy Hiking! All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
copyright; Last updated 240723

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