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Birding Around Cave Creek Road and South Fork
Birding Around Las Vegas, Favorite Places Far Away
South Fork
South Fork
Elegant Trogon along Cave Creek


Cave Creek Road, South Fork Road, and South Fork Canyon Trail are magical places to search the Madrean pine-oak forest for Mexican species who stray across the border into southeastern Arizona. This is the northern-most extension of Mexican woodlands, and the birds (who don't care much about border politics) just come on up to breed. No recording/playback devices are allowed in this area.

This is a driving and walking adventure, so from Portal, continue west on Portal Road following the pavement. The speed limit drops to 20 mph, so slow down, roll down the windows, hang your ears outside, and listen. When the birds sing (the loud, noisy birds are Mexican Jays), find a pullout and park off the road.

Link to South Fork Area Map.

Cave Creek Road
Scenic Cave Creek Road in late afternoon light

The road passes open grasslands just above Portal where various sparrows and flycatchers can be seen. At night, watch for Poorwill on the road. The road passes turnoffs to Paradise, Cave Creek Ranch, then continues up as the canyon narrows.

The road passes the Ranger Station on the right, then Idlewild and Stewart campgrounds on the left (all good birding). At 3.25 miles above Portal Town, the road forks. The dirt road to the left follows the South Fork of Cave Creek.

Turn left onto the dirt road and drive slowly about 0.8 miles to a bridge, which is a good area for birds. Continue another 0.2 miles to the end of the road. The road ends unceremoniously at a berm and parking for about 15 vehicles. The walk back from the trailhead to the bridge is a pleasant place to relax and watch for birds.

For the more adventuresome, continue up South Fork Canyon Trail, which I think goes forever, but the first mile or two make for a nice walk and excellent birding. The upper areas burned a few years ago, but the vegetation is recovering.

Portal Road
Portal Road departing downtown Portal (view W)
Portal Road
Portal Road (view W)
Portal Road
Portal Road approaching Jasper House (view W)
Portal Road
Portal Road at Jasper House (view W)
Portal Road
Portal Road sign: Caution, curve left ahead (view W)
Portal Road
Portal Road ends, Paradise right, Cave Creek left (view W)
Cave Creek Road
Cave Creek Road (view SW)
Cave Creek Road
Entering Coronado National Forest (view SW)
Cave Creek Road
Poorwill on Cave Creek Road
Cave Creek Road
Cave Creek Road at turnoff to Cave Creek Ranch (view S)
Cave Creek Road
Cave Creek Road (view SW)
Cave Creek Road
Ranger Station (on-street parking)
Cave Creek Road
Ranger Station (view from off-street parking)
Cave Creek Road
Ranger Station information sign
Cave Creek Road
Ranger Station birder information cork board
Acorn Woodpecker
Acorn Woodpecker on a hummingbird feeder at Ranger Station
Woodhouse's Scrub-Jay
Woodhouse's Scrub-Jay at the Ranger Station
Cave Creek Road
Parking along Cave Creek Road: listen here for the chatter of Elf Owls
Cave Creek Road
Information sign along Cave Creek Road
Cave Creek Road
Pull-out along Cave Creek to stop and bird (view SW)
Cave Creek Road
Paved Cave Creek Road (view SW)
South Fork Road
Turnoff to unpaved South Fork Road (view S)
South Fork Road
Information signs and outhouse at the fork (view S)
South Fork Road
South Fork Road (view SW)
South Fork Road
South Fork Road (view SW)
South Fork Road
South Fork Road (view SW)
South Fork Road
South Fork Road just below the bridge (view SW)
South Fork Road
South Fork Road approaching South Fork Bridge (view SW)
South Fork Road
Birders working the trees
Cave Creek
This Cottonwood Tree was full of little birds
Cave Creek
Elegant Trogon seen from the bridge
Cave Creek
Don't overlook other special creatures: Mexican Fox Squirrel
Cave Creek
Stream above the bridge (view S)
South Fork Road
Trailhead parking at end of South Fork Road (view SW)
Cave Creek
Start of South Fork Trail (view SW)
Cave Creek
The official trail starts to the right (view SW)
Cave Creek
Use-trail starts up the wash (view SW)
Cave Creek
Birder on South Fork Trail (view SW)
Cave Creek
Watch for more than birds: White-tailed Deer (view W)
Cave Creek
South Fork Trail crosses a small stream (view SW)
Cave Creek
Interesting plants along the way: mountain yucca (Yucca madrensis)
Cave Creek
Lots of Acorn Woodpeckers in the woods; this one at a nest hole
Cave Creek
Birder passing through the historical South Fork Picnic Area (view SW)
Cave Creek
Birder exiting the historical South Fork Picnic Area (view SW)
Cave Creek
Birder on South Fork Trail (view SW)
Cave Creek
Cave Creek flowing along South Fork Trail (view SW)
Cave Creek
Birder at Chiricahua Wilderness boundary sign (view SW)
Cave Creek
Birder on South Fork Trail crossing Cave Creek (view S)
Cave Creek
Birder on South Fork Trail crossing Cave Creek again (view S)
Cave Creek
Cool lizard: Sonoran Spiny Lizard (Sceloporus c. clarkii)
Cave Creek
Water in the South Fork of Cave Creek (view S)
Cave Creek
Water in the South Fork of Cave Creek (view S)
Cave Creek
Hiker on South Fork Canyon Trail (view S)
Cave Creek
The trail is well signed
Cave Creek
Nice place for a wilderness lunch (view S)
Cave Creek
Evidence of the fire
Cave Creek
Hiker returning down South Fork Canyon Trail (view N)
Cave Creek
Keep an eye out for our slithery friends (Black-tailed Rattlesnake)
Cave Creek
Returning to the trailhead (view N)
Cave Creek
Heading back down the road (view E)

Happy birding! All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
copyright; Last updated 240809

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