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MV-22B U.S. Marine Osprey Around Las Vegas
Military Aircraft Around Las Vegas, Aircraft Around Las Vegas

Out and about in the desert and mountains around Las Vegas, military aircraft will fly over your head and intrude upon your solitude. However, learning to identify aircraft in flight adds an odd twist to enjoying the outdoors while hiking and birding around Las Vegas -- how many species and varieties can you identify?

The MV-22B Osprey is a tilt-rotor aircraft that can tilt the rotors upward and take off like a helicopter, then turn the rotors forward and fly like a plane. Early versions of the MV-22 were plagued with problems and many Marines died in crashes. Later versions are more stable and safer, and as one airman told me, he is confident enough in the aircraft to bring his family on board (if he were allowed).

MV-22B over Red Rock Canyon
MV-22B over Red Rock Canyon
MV-22B engaging in evasive behavior
MV-22B engaging in evasive behavior

Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
copyright; Last updated 240809

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